what is The Society??

The Society works to eradicate bullying by creating an environment of loving acceptance and understanding across the Coast. We provide DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging) trainings and a social gatherings. We believe that bullying is both an adult and a youth issue and education, social connection and confidence building is the best way to battle it.
Our luncheons will be a safe space for attendees to come and learn how to be a better ally and advocate allowing for our community to bridge communication gaps.
The social dinner parties will be a safe space to dress however you like - pajamas, to the nines, cosplay, pinup girl… This is potluck encouraged (but not required). There is a prize for favorite outfit and dish (with style points). We hope to create a fun environment that is inclusive of various ‘types’ of adults across the Coast. We dare to be scandalous enough to cross all social expectations and divides by dressing how we want and meeting new and different people.
We look forward to expanding the connections, networks and organizations in addition to those that have reached out to partner with us already.

Community Pillars Podcast

The Mississippi Gulf Coast is full of amazing humans doing wonderful work for the community. We are excited to offer a package to help these Pillars promote their services and share their passion for serving. Community Pillars Podcast is a way for us to showcase those in our community quietly doing the work to make it a better place for everyone. The pillars of our community are selfless business owners and The Society along with A Little Perspective is honored to be able to share their story and passion.

This package includes:

- a thirty minute live interview on fb live

- link to the YouTube upload of the live after for you to share as you wish

- :15 commercial on two A Little Perspective podcasts

- 4 social media posts reaching <20K

- 2 marketing graphics

The Society knows the value of mentors to be a role model for the youth and the adults in our community. This video series will spotlight those who are doing the work - directly and indirectly. Click here to sign up today!